Rapunzel, a naive and young girl, is locked up by her overly protective mother. Her wish to escape into the world outside finally comes true when she meets the good-hearted thief, Flynn. Release date: November 24, 2010 (USA)
John Carter
John Carter finds himself transported to Mars, where he learns about his superhuman capabilities. Things take a turn when he rescues a princess who is on the run. Release date: March 9, 2012 (USA)
Spider-Man 3
Peter Parker becomes one with a symbiotic alien that bolsters his Spider-Man avatar and affects his psyche. He also has to deal with Sandman and maintain a fragmented relationship with Mary Jane. Release date: May 4, 2007 (USA)
Jake Sully and Ney’tiri have formed a family and are doing everything to stay together. However, they must leave their home and explore the regions of Pandora. When an ancient threat resurfaces, Jake must fight a difficult war against the humans.Release date: December 16, 2022 (USA)
Seventeen-year-old Rose hails from an aristocratic family and is set to be married. When she boards the Titanic, she meets Jack Dawson, an artist, and falls in love with him. Release date: December 19, 1997 (USA)
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Tony Stark builds an artificial intelligence system named Ultron with the help of Bruce Banner. When the sentient Ultron makes plans to wipe out the human race, the Avengers set out to stop him. Release date: May 1, 2015 (USA)
The polar ice caps have melted down and most of Earth is underwater. In this situation, a mutated mariner fights starvation and reluctantly helps a woman and a young girl find dry land. Release date: July 28, 1995 (USA)
Cleopatra, the queen of Egypt, becomes the mistress of Julius Ceaser of Rome in order to save her kingdom. However, when Ceaser is assassinated, she becomes Mark Antony’s ally and lover. Release date: June 12, 1963 (USA)
James Bond receives an obscure message from M about a sinister organisation. With the help of Madeleine, he uncovers the conspiracy, only to face an ugly truth. Release date: October 26, 2015 (UK)
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is a fantasy novel written by British author J.K. Rowling and the sixth and penultimate novel in the Harry Potter series. Originally published: July 16, 2005